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- Jasa Buat Website Cepat Murah Keren Berkualitas
Your website is just like a marketing or a support person to his clients. How well its performance, How well He represent his company, How smart He can solve the client needs, How He can assist them, How He can make a re-marketing from them. Think like it as a smartphone on your palm. What it can do?.
Give it a kick with an out-of-the-box way, don't be a common, be experimental, find another way, stall the current risks, more likely make it as it representing your self as everyone has different faces and traits, so why can't be with your website?. Take a deep minute about it, 'What you will do if you're a website?', a smart-one. Okay, below are my self introductions, I'll try to stay short and simple.
I'm a PHP web developer, I'm not accurately memorize every PHP syntax, as it can be find on the web and how to efficiently using it, so I have more concern to understand the concepts for a solution. As Physicist Neil deGrasse Tyson said on one of his interviews - 'Knowledge VS Thinking'.
I do design, but mostly for website UI/UX designs, a design that a user can interact with, a design that create an interest on the user, a design that can satisfy most eyes. a design that can overwhelm a thousand words. The tools I mostly use are Photoshop, CSS, and Javascript/JQuery.
I also paying attention for the website structure either it is for easefulness or efficiency like, page load time, cross-browser, desktop-mobile adaptation, User read flow, User common sense, User and SEO friendly.
Jasa Editor Naskah
Jasa SEO – Search Engine Optimization untuk Website
Jasa Pembuatan Website PT Inti Karya Teknologi
- Pihak Jasajasa.com tidak bertanggung jawab atas segala urusan antara penyedia jasa dan pengguna jasa.
- Pelajari jasa yang ingin Anda gunakan dengan sebaik-baiknya, sebelum melakukan transaksi.
- Gunakan internet dengan bijak supaya Anda terhindar dari aksi penipuan online.